Monday, October 1, 2012

Homemade Halloween, Tres

Hey y'all,
It took me a while to get around to this, my pc isn't working and I wasn't exactly looking forward to posting from my phone, but I do NEED to share with y'all what I've been up to...

First, for a costume. My daughter, Dolores, wanted to be a pumpkin and this is what we came up with...

And I also finished a game for our Halloween party. It's a bean bag toss game. I've been saving a couple cans, try and use pop top ones but definitely don't such your hands inside the cans, turn then over to dump out the bean bags.

And last, but not least, I made some homemade soft pretzels and they were amazing. I got the recipe from here
The picture is ugly, but they tasted delicious!

That's out for now y'all!