Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So, it's been an eternity since I have posted anything.  My computer stopped working and I HATE posting from my phone.  But, I finally got a brand, spankin new laptop, so I promise to be more faithful from here on out.

I didn't get to finish my homemade Halloween series, so here are some pics just to wrap it all up...

All the kids ready to go out.

Our table.  I made zombie hotdogs, and
"pizza fingers" to dip in "blood".  (Crescent rolls filled with mozzarella and pepperonis with pizza sauce to dip them in.) and we also ordered some pizzas and made potato salad. A weird combo, but it seems like everyone liked it...

I made two kinds of cupcakes.  One is a pumpkin spice, I just used a boxed cake mix and added 2/3 of a cup of pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling) and added about a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice and topped them with cream cheese frosting.  The other is a hot chocolate cupcake, I added some white chocolate chips to a chocolate cake mix (to represent the marshmallows) and about a teaspoon of cinnamon (like the Mexican hot chocolate), and also topped them with cream cheese frosting.

Some Halloween cookies, it's hard to tell with this pic, but they are Halloween shapes.  I just use a sugar cookie recipe and add chocolate chips for cut out chocolate chip cookies...

Our hostess, my sister-in-law, colleen.

Colleen made this spider out of dollar store trash bags, it actually looked pretty cools and the kids were a little scared of it...

The kids playing the bean bag toss game from a few posts back. I guess they decided to add their own little twist, my niece, Nadalee, was swinging those swords and blocking tosses.  And the little princess was just in the way lol...

Me and my sister-in-law.

So, now I am working on Christmas.  And I just want to give some advice.  Stop trying to live on credit and buying bigger and better things that you can't afford.  There is so much more to life than having the best and coolest things.  I'll admit, I spent A LOT of money on Christmas, BUT we could afford it.  And we're just middle class, not upper middle class, but we are smart with our money.  We don't live outside our means.  We have no credit cards, not that credit cards are bad, we just don't need them.  We make smart choices when it comes to things we want to have.  We don't go out and buy the best and most expensive things, unless we have saved the money for it.  Saving money, that's where I was going with this.  All the money that I spent for Christmas we saved, for months!  We saved nearly $1,000, by just saving what we could each week, until Black Friday when I went out and got some awesome deals.  Don't go apply for a credit card to buy presents for the kids, if you didn't save money, just spend what you can afford and still be able to pay the bills.  Your kids will appreciate the skill you teach them of wisely spending and saving money more than a toy they MIGHT play with for a couple of months before they lose it, break it, or forget about it.  Anyway, I will now step off my soap box, I just hate seeing people spend money that they don't have...

I love giving kids something homemade for Christmas and birthdays.  They absolutely love it.  It doesn't matter what it is,  my kids got all excited just because I let them pick fabric from my stash! :)  But this is what I made.

These are crayon rolls.

Here's the inside they're, super cute.
I got the tutorial here. On some of them I used a lace edging and a ruffle on others.  These are going to be stocking stuffers for my kids, and I am going to make some more to give to my nieces and nephews too.
When it gets a little closer to Christmas I am going to make some chocolate truffles to give to each family on my honey's side, I'll post those recipes at that time.  Until then, stay warm y'all