Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hey y'all....

What have you been up to?  It's been about three months since I have posted anything.

Has anybody missed me?


Well that's ok. It's my own fault really, how could ever dream of keeping faithful followers if I can't even post faithfully?

Speaking of dreams, I keep having this dream about the end of the world. There's usually planes crashing and then at the very end, right before I wake up, there are these lights spinning around me...

I know, interesting, right?


Tough crowd tonight...

Obviously, even though it's been three months, I don't have much to talk about. And maybe that's why I haven't made any posts since December.  I blame the Holidays. I just LOVE fall and winter. And then, in Spring, everything is supposed to be coming back to life but I feel just... blehh... But life goes on anyway.

Well, here is a quick run throw of some of the stuff I have been up to since my last blog.

We took a family trip to the San Bernardino mountains, and I think this is our first family photo...
My little brother, Tyler, graduated from the Marine Corps Bootcamp and my parents and little sister, Rachel, got to come to California and visit me for the first time!

My stepdaughter joined the cheerleading squad at her middle school!
My nephew Andrew turned 1! I wasn't there and I have only got to see him for a couple days since he was born but I still love him very much!

My honey turned 32!

And had an 8 year old's birthday party... haha

This is the cake I made him.

And THIS is the dinner I made him!

I refinished my dining room chairs. The before is on the right, I know it should be on the left but I'm not as technologically savvy as I like to think I am and every time I tried to put it in the right spot but it wouldn't work out.
I made cake pops for Valentine's day to send to school with Albert. I don't like cake pops but these came out good. I just used plain cream cheese to hold the cake together and used almond bark to dip them in instead of Wilton Candymelts and they turned out pretty good.

And I made this cake...

And these cupcakes to send with Fernando.

We had a new addition to the family, Papa Smurf. (I did not pick the name...)

We took my stepdaughter, Dolores, to eat sushi for the first time. This is a pic of her downing a quail egg shooter (there is no alcohol in it).

And my sweet niece, Bailey, turned 5! Miss you mamas!
And the biggest thing that is happening, we are moving back to TEXAS!!! :))):)) (I think those are smiley faces with double chins, which is how I look when I smile big ;p)  4 weeks to go and I am so excited! I miss my family so much!
I wish I could make some promises about some exciting posts to come, but I can't... But, I will post SOMETHING, eventually....
Also, I don't know where I'm supposed to put this.  But if any of you homemakers are looking for ways to make money online, try using I just joined today and it seems pretty easy and legit...














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