Saturday, September 1, 2012

Count your many blessings name them on by one

     Hey y'all, I have been so busy with making cakes and getting my kids from here to there and just life in general, that I realized yesterday that I was letting my house fall down around me.  So I spent the ENTIRE day, literally the entire day, cleaning. And I'm satisfied that I got every room and even the outside of my house clean.  I even planted some shrubs that have been hanging out in planters in front of my house for a couple weeks and put out a couple fall decorations.
This is the first time that I have actually wanted a picture of my house.  It took me almost 6 months to finish painting it (I had to do it ALL by myself and I still had to cook, clean, do laundry, and work) But I think that all my hard work is paying off. 
This is a fall wreath that I made with supplies from Dollar Tree. I think it turned out pretty good.  I'm always pinning wreaths on Pinterest but this is the first one that I've actually made.

     Today, while I was doing all this work around my house I had a lot of time to think.  For the last couple months I've been wanting to go back to Texas (where I am originally from and where I met my boo) because our house in Texas is much bigger than this one here in Southern California.  It's not just that I want a bigger house, our home is too small for our family, it's only a 2 bedroom and one bath for our family of 5. (Of course, in February we will be converting the garage into an additional bedroom),  But because of circumstances, we had to come out here.  So a couple days ago, I prayed that God would either make it possible for our family to return to our home in Texas, or to make me content with our home here in California.
    I'm sorry to tell you family and friends, that while I was cleaning and working today, I realized that God had filled my heart with a contentment with our home.  We are a very blessed family.  My husband has a decent job, but we're definitely middle class, probably even lower middle class.  But Bobby was once a professional athlete and made enough money to buy some assets, houses and cars, and because God blessed us in this way, we're able to live quite comfortably.  It may be a tiny, old house, but I know that there are people who have bigger houses and envy us because our house is payed for.  And that makes it possible for us to get and do a lot of things that we otherwise may not be able to afford.  It makes it possible for me to try and build a cake business from home.

    This Bible verse has been on my mirror for years (and that picture too, but my babies were so cute I don't want to update it yet lol) I kind of lost touch with the meaning, that God provides what we need and if we don't have it, God will carry us through without it.  It's so easy for us to get caught up in the "American Dream," which seems to have become "Get more and bigger stuff" and keeping up with the Joneses, and we often forget about all we got.  I once read about a woman who thanked God every time she walked into a room in her house for that room and everything/everyone in it.  I'm thinking about making some kind of little signs to remind me to be thankful for my little blessings every day. Especially those little blessings in the picture :)
    But, even with all the cleaning and working I've been doing today, I still had time to bake a delicious treat for my best friend, just as a blessing.

Red Velvet is her favorite so I made her a couple dozen since we haven't got to spend much time together lately, being busy moms.

Take care y'all!

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