Monday, July 9, 2012

Chai Shortbread Cookies

     My two youngest kids went with their real mother a couple days ago, and our oldest Dolores went to her grandfather's house for a couple of days, so it's been really boring around here.  Your kids drive you crazy and bug you nonstop and you can't get anything done with them around, but as soon as they're gone you're ready to have them back.
     So since I didn't have anything to do today, I decided to try out some new cookies.  I didn't want to get dressed (you know those days) so I had to make due with the ingredients that I have on hand. (I like to think of it as preparing for "Chopped" someday, only without lamb brains or anything else too weird [although there are some questionable ingredients in the back of my freezer])  Of course, I could have gone with peanut butter or oatmeal, but I didn't just want to make cookies, I wanted to have some fun.  So I ended up with Chai Shortbread cookies.

     They're actually really easy to make, you just throw some ingredients in your food processor, chill for a while, and then roll them out, cut and bake.  If you don't know, shortbread cookies aren't really sweet, they're buttery and crisp, I think of them as a more savory dessert (which I prefer anyway). You can get my recipe here.
Enjoy friends!

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